Lunch Session With EE ...


Last week’s Lunch Bucket featured EE Times EIC Junko Yoshida.

ee times behind the scenes

It was a terrific session with Junko sharing insights on the internal workings of the media property, her team, and the tech sector in general.

I’ll post a write-up on Junko’s talk on Wednesday.

In the meantime, thanks to the photography from Carlos Mangandy, here’s a photo version of what took place. (Think they call this visual storytelling.)

junko yoshida

EE Times has embraced a business model that features free access to and a subscription-based service called EE Times Confidential.

junko yoshida session

I can’t confirm this with 100 percent accuracy, but Junko bringing her hands together could have been the point in the presentation when she said, “The American dream has moved to China.” She went on to explain that a number of fabless companies have set up shop in China with their collective impact yet to come (still building product).

about ee times

We had a range of Silicon Valley stalwarts represented at the session including Xilinx, Altera, Rambus, Synopsys, Novellus, IDT, Rambus and MIPS, as well as SuVolta (still in stealth so can’t share more), other consultancies and social media guru Steven Farnsworth.

cinco de mayo lunch

The timing of the session coincided with Cinco de Mayo, so lunch fit the occasion. The chicken enchiladas were a hit. A couple attendees grumbled that there were no margaritas, but it seemed a bit early in the day for tequila.

More to come on Wednesday.

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