Ishmael's Corner ~ Storytelling Techniques For Business Communications

How Did the City of Chattanooga Land a New York Times Feature?

If you’re like me, you picked up last Tuesday’s New York Times and thought WTH? (OK, maybe it wasn’t “what the heck,” but you get the drift.)

How did feel-good storytelling on the City of Chattanooga end up above the fold in The New York Times?

I’m sure officials from numerous cities who have invested zillions of dollars in Internet infrastructure read the headline, “A City Wired for Growth” and immediately wondered why the NYT didn’t choose them. It’s not every day that you see a city of roughly 172,000 people lauded by The New York Times for business practices.

I’m guessing that Chattanooga’s version of an economic development team pitched the story. It’s also possible that the journalist, Edward Wyatt, who’s based in Washington, D.C., and covers Internet policy, overhead some FCC suits lamenting the fact that other cities haven’t followed in Chattanooga’s boots and proactively pursued the angle.

Regardless, reverse-engineering the storytelling reveals all the assets you would expect in a NYT feature:

That’s how the City of Chattanooga pushed the big boys aside for a day and landed a chunk of real estate in the New York Times.


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