Ishmael's Corner ~ Storytelling Techniques For Business Communications

Applying Storytelling Techniques To A Job Description

job search

It almost seems like HR gives the following guidance to the copywriter before drafting a job description:

“OK. You know what’s at stake. I suggest you review the job listings from our competitors and borrow what you consider to be the best elements. This is no time to go rogue. Be smart. Let’s use what’s already working. Great. Have that new description to me by the end of the day … Of course I’m not looking for new, but you know what I mean.”

How else do you explain the homogenous dullness that permeates this type of writing?

I posted on horrid job descriptions late last year, picking on a particularly bad Facebook job listing:

I would characterize them [Facebook] as boilerplate and pedestrian – take your pick – lifted from the Job Descriptions 101 Manual that seems to dominate Corporate HR America.

In a nutshell, that’s the problem.

Everyone is writing the same stuff.

It took a few months but we’re finally applying storytelling techniques to our own job listings.

You can see how this plays out with a recruitment ad that’s running in ReadWriteWeb and Mashable over the next month.

Job Title: Senior Communications Consultant

What most accurately describes you, PR person or storyteller? If the latter, keep reading.

We’re retooling our consultancy to take a holistic approach to communication campaigns. Think earned media + owned media. Our programs increasingly blend traditional PR with thought leadership, digital properties, social media, SEO, etc. – all underlined with the type of storytelling that has relevance to the target audience as well as influencers.

Regardless of the assignment, clients come to us for a combination of brainpower and passion.

Naturally, this particular role calls for smarts, op-ed grade writing and a track record in triggering client reactions ranging from “Well done” to “I’m naming my first born after you.”

Here are a few specifics that start to dig below the surface of the type of person we’re after:

We suspect these qualities call for at least eight years of experience.

If our thinking resonates, we’d love to hear from you.

I’ll report back next month how the storytelling made a difference.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for a new gig and think you could be a fit for the role, by all means shoot me a note at

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