Ishmael's Corner ~ Storytelling Techniques For Business Communications

Translating Infographic On Storytelling Techniques Into Video

We posted our infographic called “Storytelling vs. Corporate Speak” last week.

In brainstorming a communications push behind the infogrpaphic with social media guru Steve Farnsworth, he suggested developing supporting assets like a video.

Rather than put me on video pontificating about the infographic – not good TV, to be kind – we decided to take a more creative approach.

I particularly like the vignette that kicks off “But for some reason, business communication often goes terribly wrong.” Hopefully, we didn’t violate any copyrights by borrowing from Seinfeld. (If we did, I’m sure I’ll be hearing from Kramer,)

Kudos to Sheri Baer and Tom Wohlmut who created the video.

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