Tag: video


Let’s Hope TMZ Doesn’t Get Their Hands on This Mother’s Day Video

I’ve avoided clickbait for nearly nine years and 1,096 posts … until now.     The headline for this post definitely qualifies as clickbait. You’re not going to find a video on Kim Kardashian dissing her mom. With that said, watching my mom share her unfiltered insights on the business of public relations does offer …more

Typography Translates Ira Glass Take Into Killer Video

I came across a video by David Shiyang Liu that plays off an Ira Glass riff on the creative process. David, who is a filmmaker and director at the Melbourne studio Kick Kick Punch (no Kaboom), married typography with Glass’s verbal narrative to produce the video below. Sure, Ira Glass’s voice by itself gives power …more

Translating Infographic On Storytelling Techniques Into Video

We posted our infographic called “Storytelling vs. Corporate Speak” last week. In brainstorming a communications push behind the infogrpaphic with social media guru Steve Farnsworth, he suggested developing supporting assets like a video. Rather than put me on video pontificating about the infographic – not good TV, to be kind – we decided to take a …more

The Story Is Always There

I was honored that Kathy Hansen invited me to participate in her Q&A series. She asked me to share one piece of advice or wisdom on storytelling. My response – The story is always there. I truly believe this. Every company has something compelling to say. But like discovery in the legal sphere, it can …more

GE Video Transforms The Dull Into Corporate Storytelling

No one would mistake conducting an energy audit as a glamorous activity. That’s why GE’s approach to telling this story caught my attention. As part of its Ecomagination campaign, GE has conducted 200+ energy audits at its own facilities and at customer sites. But they don’t call them energy audits. Instead, the company packages the exercises as “Treasure Hunts.” Yes, it’s a …more

Never Underestimate The Power Of A Great Story

The headline comes from a Canal+ video (brought to my attention by one of our vice presidents, John Radewagen). Our protagonist in this story cheats death four times by his recollection in the space of 74 seconds: Bullets Cut-down tree Waterfall Lumber mill blades Of course, the real twist comes at the end when he …more

An NPR Perspective on Storytelling

I stumbled across a compelling three-and-a-half-minute video with NPR’s Scott Simon sharing his perspective on how to tell a story (video below). It’s captivating, as reflected in the 43,000+ views. Before going further, let’s acknowledge that Scott Simon’s voice by itself is captivating. He could explain a recipe for nouveau meatloaf and I’d listen. Plus, anyone …more