Social Media Changes Social ...


That’s not a typo in the headline.

Nor am I trying my hand at keyword stuffing.

Back in June a post detailed how social media, in this case Facebook, reshaped the storytelling behind a Navy squadron rescuing a family lost in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

Here’s an example of interactions on social media triggering a change within an organization’s social media platforms. Earlier in the month I wrote a post about university Twitter profiles. Out of 157 university profiles, it was sobering to find only one that stood out as extraordinary, Carnegie Mellon.

The tweet announcing the results prompted the following exchanges:

Twitter Exchange with Carnegie Mellon

I’m not going to compare improving the “look and feel” of an organization’s Twitter profile to acting as a catalyst for the Arab Spring.

Still, even the pedestrian can be revealing as a handful of tweets transformed this:

Carnegie Mellon old Twitter profile

Into this:

Carnegie Mellon new Twitter Profile

It’s also a great example of why the strong get stronger whether it involves social media, job performance or playing Yahtzee.

They listen to feedback.

They want to get better.

They take action.

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