Category: Best-of-the-year Posts


The Top 10 Storytelling Posts of 2020, Part II

Tuesday’s list covered considerable ground. The rest of the Top 10 storytelling posts in 2020 kicks off with musings on post 1,087 (but who’s counting?).   .   6) I Wrote 1,087 Blog Posts, and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt   Before anyone shouts,“fake news,” yes, I dusted off the post that commemorated …more

The Top 10 Storytelling Posts of 2020

What a weird year. Being the mug-is-half-full type, I believe 2021 will (eventually) bring us some semblance of normalcy. As for the past year, I could have devoted every post to the antics from the White House. Exercising restraint that would have made my mom proud, I found plenty of other topics to parachute into. …more

The Best Storytelling Posts of 2019

  You can throw out many adjectives to describe 2019. Dull won’t be one of them. Writing about the intersection of communications, journalism and branding, a never-ending stream of fodder for potential posts flew by my window every day. I wish I had more time to dig and explore. The following captures the first half …more

Top PR and Storytelling Posts in H1, 2019 (Part 2)

Monday’s post captured five of the 10 top posts this year (so far). Here are the remaining posts.   6. Game of Thrones Depicts the Best of Persuasive Language The final season of Game of Thrones played out this year. Rather than focus on the Iron Throne, we turned our attention to persuasive language, specifically …more

The Best Storytelling Posts of 2018 (Part 2)

Breaking the Top 10 storytelling posts for 2018 into two parts, I published the first part last Monday. Here’s the second part, reflecting the diverse dimensions to today’s communications industry.     6. Nine Actions That Torpedo Global PR More companies invest in global PR than ever before. Yet, the missteps from 1990s are still with …more

The Best Storytelling Posts of 2018 (Part 1)

“Best” is such a subjective word. One person’s “best” is another person’s “meh.” Sometimes, the word carries zero meaning as in “You’re the best.” With the New Year philosophizing out of the way, we can skip to the posts that kicked the hardest as determined by me — not the Google Analytics.     1. Tim …more

Best Storytelling Posts for the First Half of 2018, Part II

As explained on Monday, I’m behind schedule in publishing the best posts of H1 this year. Here’s the second half of the list, and two posts related to President Trump made the cut. I believe the word you’re looking for is “restraint.”   .   1. Will the Communications Industry Change Because of President Trump? Since …more