Category: Book Reviews


The NRA and Communications and Gun Control

What sensible human being thinks it’s OK to put what’s essentially a machine gun in the hands of private citizens? The tragedies keep coming with the latest mass shooting in Nashville. Here’s the problem. These events serve as a form of smelling salts, helping politicians come to their senses in response to public outcry. Then, …more

The NRA and PR and Gun Control

What is wrong with this country? What sensible human being thinks it’s OK to put what’s essentially a machine gun in the hands of private citizens? The tragedies keep coming with the latest mass shootings Uvalde, Texas, and Buffalo, N.Y. Here’s the problem. These events serve as a form of smelling salts, helping politicians come …more

How the NRA Views Public Relations. Let’s Listen in.

What is wrong with this country? What sensible human being thinks it’s OK to put what’s essentially a machine gun in the hands of private citizens? The tragedies keep coming with the latest mass shootings in Boulder and Atlanta leaving 18 dead. Here’s the problem. These events serve as a form of smelling salts, helping …more

Six Storytelling Books

By Elisa Zallio, Account Executive, Hoffman Europe   There’s no such thing as “too many books.” If there’s one bad habit I don’t mind my parents passing to me, it is book hoarding. As I write this blog, I have some 200 in my childhood home in Italy. Will I regret my collection when I …more

Applying the Seven Basic Plots of Storytelling to Business Comms

By Chris Owen, UK Director   After working on the book for over 34 years (we have people in this office who haven’t been alive this long), Christopher Booker published Seven Basic Plots in 2004. It’s a seminal piece of work; taking a psychological and analytical approach to literature, it identified seven core themes to which …more

Storytelling Wisdom from Bestselling Author

I interviewed author Ella Frances Sanders in 2015 after her book “Lost in Translation” had caused quite a sensation and landed on the NY Times bestselling list for four months. I remember thinking how improbable that a single blog post, “11 Untranslatable Words from Other Cultures” could morph into a bestseller. Thanks to over 2 …more

Author Reflects on The Harmony of Words and Visuals in Storytelling

Imagine one blog post causing such a ruckus that readers demanded a book. That’s essentially what happened to Ella Frances Sanders when she created the post “11 Untranslatable Words From Other Cultures” in 2013. Roughly 12 months later, her book “Lost in Translation” hit the book stores and was an instant hit. Amid considerable media …more