Category: Social Media


How to Set Up a B2B Facebook Advertising Campaign

By Jackson Dulzo, Senior Account Executive At Hoffman we’re increasingly executing integrated communications campaigns that roll earned, owned and paid media into a single client budget to reach B2B audiences. It’s here that traditional PR techniques like media relations and thought leadership combine beautifully with the new generation of publicity tools, including paid social ads …more

WeChat Campaign in China Offers Glimpse into the Future of Communications

  This headline and the post below appeared five years ago. Well, the future has officially arrived. Our China team is now building self-contained campaigns around WeChat every week, some of which are designed for lead generation. Think of these campaigns as social CRM or if you insist SCRM. The New York Times created a …more

Did Social Media Humanize McKinsey Too Much?

I think we can all agree that a consultancy does not want to see this headline on the cover of The New York Times. “Turning Tyranny Into a Client”     That’s the headline that greeted the good folks at McKinsey over Sunday brunch. As discussed last week, the clients of a professional services firm …more

Sprout Agency Partner Summit 2018 – The Hoffman Agency CliffsNotes

By Sarah Collins, Senior Account Executive   A career in public relations inherently keeps you on your toes. Although it may seem that no two days within a week are the same, as creatures of habit, we unavoidably fall into routines from time to time. I try my best to prevent that and personally believe …more