Category: PR


A Few Closing Thoughts on 2024

What a year! My version of an understatement. There’s a reason “time flies” became a cliché. Reflecting on 2024, the Agency had its best year ever. Many people will associate those words “best year” with financial performance. That’s not what I mean, though we did enjoy strong growth tipping the $30M mark for the first …more

If the Harris Election Campaign Called Us for Counsel

I’m not holding my breath for a call or text from Jen O’Malley Dillon. I’ve toiled in the tech sector throughout my entire career. What do I know about politics and running a campaign for the president of the United States? Nada. With that caveat out of the way, here are a few thoughts for …more

Global Communications Is a Mentality, Not a Function

When people talk about improving global PR, the discussion typically gravitates toward infrastructure or titles. But these are supporting pieces. At the core, the most important factor in the success or failure of an international PR campaign comes down to mentality. Two basic questions go a long way toward revealing the presence of a global …more

Picture Procurement Shaking Down a Heart Surgeon

All communication consultancies periodically encounter Procurement before contract sign-off and embarking on the fun stuff with a client. I am not a fan of Procurement. They always claim to be there to help the agency and make sure everyone — both the agency and the in-house PR department — enjoy a “happily ever after.” Yet, …more

Deconstructing a Wall Street Journal Story on Innovation

Most companies want to be known as innovative. To bastardize the Wallace Simpson line, “you can never be too rich, too thin or too innovative.” The problem is those same companies often depend on adjectives to tout their breakthroughs. The Wall Street Journal challenged the use of the “i” word over ten years ago: “Businesses …more

A Few Closing Thoughts on 2022

Is it just me or does it feel like there’s been an acceleration of time since the pandemic slammed the world in early 2020? I can’t believe we’re already counting down the days to the year’s end. In a year that marked the Agency’s 35th anniversary, we had our best year ever. Typically, when you …more

The Downside of Experience in Leadership

We tend to correlate experience with stronger leadership. The common Steve Jobs narrative swings from impetuous youth to lessons learned. It stands to reason that people who have been tested when things didn’t go according to plan expand their leadership game. Yet, there’s a downside to experience when it comes to leadership. We can gain …more

Global Communications Is a Mentality, Not a Function

When people talk about improving global PR, the discussion typically gravitates toward infrastructure or titles. But these are supporting pieces. At the core, the most important factor in the success or failure of an international PR campaign comes down to mentality. Two basic questions go a long way toward revealing the presence of a global …more

Tesla Goes Autopilot For Latest Media Scrutiny

The media has questions for Tesla. After eliminating its PR department last year, Tesla doesn’t appear to have answers. The Los Angeles Times story “Tesla’s Handling of Breaking Bug in Public Self-Driving Test Raises Alarms” reflects the latest missives aimed at the auto maker: Tesla pushed out a new version of the experimental software suite …more