Category: Start Ups


China’s 996 Work Ethic vs. Silicon Valley

If you’re not familiar with the “996” acronym in China, it stands for working from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. six days each week. Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, seemed to have hit a nerve last week when he remarked on WeChat: “I personally think that being able to work 996 is a huge blessing.” …more

U.S. Startups and the China Question

I wrote an opinion piece in VentureBeat a few years back titled, “Attention U.S. Startups, Don’t Ignore China.” The punchline — Virtually every startup should have a China strategy. Fast forwarding to today, startups in the U.S. are starting to back off in China. This assessment isn’t based on data; it’s more anecdotal and a …more

CliffsNotes on Meeker’s State of the Internet

And people say my PowerPoint decks are too long. This year’s treatise on the internet from Mary Meeker weighs in at 294 slides. After reviewing the presentation, I’ve captured the slides that got my attention.   Take Immigrants Out of the U.S. Tech Industry, and the Equation Changes . Thought Bubble: At a time when …more

Is $4 Toast and the Tech Industry Still Ruining San Francisco?

Yesterday marked the three-year anniversary since VentureBeat and Jolie O’Dell’s focus group of one correlated expensive toast to the decline of San Francisco. The O’Dell discourse came with jagged edges, damning the tech industry for a cycle that goes something like this: Someone creates a business for consumers with too much money and pretensions of …more

The Key to Storytelling for Startups: Avoid the “H” Word

In the world of startups, there’s truth to the cliché, “Ignorance is bliss.” If the founders truly understood what was ahead of them — the agony of pushing the boulder up the hill only to have it backslide over one’s toes — many wouldn’t choose such a path. The founders’ combination of smarts, energy, optimism …more