Archive: May 2016


Time To Redefine “Organic Search” as “Earned Search”

John Belushi asks the question (in my version of “Animal House”). I’ve made this plea before. But don’t listen to me (or John). Rand Fishkin, one of the top SEO gurus in the country, supports this point in one of his white board videos. Check out this clip:   These words from Mr. Fishkin are …more

The “F Word” in Storytelling and Business

Failure. Point to a movie or a book that captivates, and I’ll show you failure. Shrek. Absolutely. Something more high-brow, like the best-selling novel “A Little Life.” Again, failure underpins the story. For it’s the failure — something going horribly awry, the more pain the better — that creates the tension in a story. As …more

Amusing Answers in College FAQs for Graduation Ceremonies

College graduation ceremonies aren’t exactly the most entertaining affairs. By design. A speaker will make a case to “follow your passion” followed by a glorified roll call that, depending on the size of the school, can literally last hours. Still, to lower the probability of something going awry, schools provide an FAQ. While these documents …more

College Grads: Do Not Follow the Resume 101 Handbook

A zillion college graduates are about to descend on civilization with shiny apples in hand. My daughter Grace is among the throng though I suspect she’ll take a pass on the apple (always the rebel). Regardless, the demand versus supply equation doesn’t work in the graduate’s favor. Finding that elusive first job puts a premium …more