Archive: January 2021


How to land a story in top-tier publications

  “I want to be in WIRED. How do I get into WIRED?” By Chris Owen, Director, Hoffman Europe As a PR pro, if I had £1,000 for every time a prospect or client said, “We’d like to get into WIRED / The Economist / the FT,” then I’d genuinely have no mortgage. I might …more

Dear Joe, Expand Your Cabinet with Words

  Dear Joe, Welcome to the White House. Is it just me or does it feel like it’s been an eternity since the Nov. 3 election? Anyway, I know you come into office with several mission-critical priorities screaming for attention. The pandemic has killed roughly 400,000 Americans. Economic conditions prompt comparisons to the Great Depression. …more

The Man (Trump) Can’t Even Pretend to Say the Right Thing

No need to rehash yesterday’s events. My Mom’s choice of adjectives was “disgraceful.” I’d say that nicely covers it. What was Trump’s answer to the storming of the White House? A tweet (naturally). Because Twitter had locked down Trump’s account for his incendiary behavior, he had to use the account of one of his minions, …more