I shared the first half of my favorite posts from 2012 on Monday.
I say “favorite” because I based the selection on what I found amusing, not most views.
The second part of the list follows:
6. Why Journalists Get Cranky About PR
I didn’t throw the junior account person under the bus, but I did point the finger at Media Connect and it’s use of the mass blast in pitching influencers. The idea of pitching me to review the Peter Guber book “Tell to Win” when I reviewed this very book last year prompted this soapbox post. Kind of ironic that a pitch for a book that preaches personalized storytelling has none.
7. LinkedIn Encourages Bad Behavior
LinkedIn has made enormous strides in staking out the position of social network of choice for business professionals. I just wish they wouldn’t offer default copy for the connection note so people would be forced to personalize the interaction. With this in mind, I show how Malcom Gladwell would personalize his note if he wanted to connect with me.
8. Experimentation in Content Marketing Offers Promise of Competitive Advantage
Content marketing has been around forever. A white paper pushed through multiple distribution channels is a form of content marketing. With that said, I think there’s huge upside in this area and offer four ideas with potential for competitive advantage for the brave.
9. 10 Tips on storytelling Techniques from Novelists
The Guardian did the heavy lifting for this curation post, interviewing numerous novelists. I culled 10 insights with relevance to business communicators like Elmore Leonard’s ““If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it.”
10. Ranking the global PR agencies in social media
Forget “we’re number nine.” When Sociagility’s second ranking on how global PR agencies perform in applying social media to themselves came up, we landed in the fifth slot. Not bad considering we’re above mega shops like Weber Shandwick, Burson, etc.
If you think I missed one that belongs on the list, by all means shout.
Reflecting on the year, a friend shared with me some time ago it’s one thing to be a smart ass and another to be an “esoteric smart ass.”
I’ve tried to stay out of esoteric quadrant and will continue the quest next year.