Category: Miscellaneous


49 Days in Provence, Terminé

We’ve completed the “assignment” in the South of France. The last grains of sand have found their way through the hourglass. The experience has been better than what Heather and I expected. And we had high expectations. Reflecting on the professional side — and putting to rest talk of a boondoggle — so many things …more

The One Hack Rarely Discussed to Increase Productivity at Meetings

Let me say up front that this post does not address the age-old quandary: “To meet or not to meet, that is the question.” Moving from Hamlet to Ford trucks, the company meeting is “built to last.” To resist is futile. Still, there is one simple action that would advance civilization in its quest to …more

49 Days in Provence

No, Peter Mayle hasn’t written an abbreviated sequel. But I am feeling the pressure to write a post that’s “stylish, witty and delightfully readable.” How about “simply readable?” Anyway, the tweaked book title portends a looming personal adventure. My wife, Heather, and I head to Aix en Provence today for a seven-week assignment.If the word …more

12 Tips on How to Do Your Homework Before the Big Job Interview

After growing roughly 30 percent in 2013 and being on track for 20+ percent growth this year, we’re interviewing job candidates on a weekly basis. I don’t know if this is a Silicon Valley phenomenon — demand outstrips supply causing candidates to get lackadaisical — or if this trend holds across the country, but I’m …more

Guns and Public Health: A Cigarette Connection

You’re probably thinking, “What does this headline have to do with the intersection of storytelling, PR and social media?” Bear with me as I share the context – While I don’t consider myself political much less an activist, the behavior from the NRA and its recent communications troubled me. How can any reasonable person or …more

So is the U.S. Sending 529 Athletes or 530 Athletes To the Olympics?

The London Olympics opened today. Nothing like sitting down with a beverage and spending a couple hours watching people shoot air rifles at targets. Then again, who could have predicted that poker would make good TV. Anyway, I hate to start a controversy before the competitions are in full swing. Yet, in the spirit of …more

Friday Levity: "So Why Should We Invest in Your Startup?"

I’ve established a new feature called “Friday Levity.” Humor enhances business storytelling. Jargon kills business storytelling. Kenn Durrence passed along today’s ditty which comes from a site that specializes in comic strips, Abstruce Goose. Enjoy.  

Tribute to Dud Daniel

A good friend passed away last week. His name was Dud Daniel. Steve Fowler, who I grew up with in Tucson, wrote the following tribute to Dud. Steve and I both attended the University of Arizona and joined Phi Psi at the same time which deepened our friendship (truth to be told, I thought he was a …more

A Baseball Story That Wouldn’t Play in the U.S.

  As best I can surmise from passport stamps, I made my 48th trip to Asia last week. It never gets old. Every trip – this one with stops in Tokyo and Beijing – brings a unique adventure, knowledge and inevitably a touch of weirdness that defies Western sensibilities. I think most people are familiar with …more