Category: New York Times


And the Winner for the Worst Communications Award in 2018 Goes to …

The Saudi Arabian government. Let’s give the Crown Prince a round of applause for the entry, “The gang that can’t talk straight.” Before going further, the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul was an act against humanity. I am by no means making light of it. As I followed the …more

Did Social Media Humanize McKinsey Too Much?

I think we can all agree that a consultancy does not want to see this headline on the cover of The New York Times. “Turning Tyranny Into a Client”     That’s the headline that greeted the good folks at McKinsey over Sunday brunch. As discussed last week, the clients of a professional services firm …more

Deconstructing a New York Times Article on Amazon for Storytelling Lessons

Journalists, particularly those at Tier-1 media properties, are the best non-fiction storytellers on the planet. They toil in a Darwinian world in which clicks correlate to economic health. If they don’t produce content that triggers clicks, they’re going to eventually hear words to the effect, “You’re not a fit here.” With this in mind, it’s …more

The Blending of Journalism and Paid Content

Should publications try to fool the reader? The obvious answer is no, but perhaps a more nuanced view should rule the day. Maybe it’s OK — dare I say helpful — to fool the reader, if by doing so, the publication serves up information that the reader cares about. I raise the issue after stumbling …more

Grading Out the Storytelling for a New York Times Job Description

I am an unabashed cheerleader for The New York Times. For those who have the stamina to read more than 10 words at a time, it’s trustworthy. For those in the communications business of constructing non-fiction storytelling, the Times offers daily lessons. In fact, you’ll find some of the best journalist storytelling on the planet …more

And the Most Trusted News Source Is …

As President Trump continues to use the “fake news” mantra to whip the masses into a frenzy, it causes one to wonder what publications people do trust. The University of Missouri set out to answer that question based on a survey of over 8,000 consumers. Before jumping to the results, it’s worth noting that respondents …more

Where the Hell is PR on The New York Times Careers Chart?

The New York Times published a feature, “Old Skills, New Career,” on Friday that examines the question on everyone’s mind, perhaps with the exception of stand-up comics and UFC fighters. . . The story paints a gloomy picture for those with skills projected to lose the battle against computerized brethren: “Even if workers want to …more

PR Insights from Reverse Engineering a New York Times Corporate Feature

A corporate feature in a mainstream publication is the PR equivalent of a home run. No question, PR is constantly swinging for the fences. Unfortunately, the success rate for PR is more Duane Kuiper (below) than Babe Ruth. Obviously, a number of variables come into play in determining whether a journalist and the bosses green …more

What the Hell Does the PR Guy Know About Journalism (Take 3)

I enjoy studying journalism. When it comes to business communications, journalists are the masters at storytelling. Highlighting this point, I came across the following from a New York Times review on the new Richard Nixon biography last week: “The similarities between Nixon and Trump leap off the page like crickets.There is, first and most superficially, …more