Category: The White House


Owned Media Alters Balance of Power Between President Obama and Journalists.

Rem Rieder from American Journalism Review penned a viewpoint in USA Today last week that criticized President Obama for cutting down access to journalists. The supporting proof points highlighted by Rieder: Short Q&A sessions have always served as a forum for the President to weigh in on timely issues. George W. Bush, who wasn’t exactly …more

A Troubled Nation Needs a Real Leader, Not a Storyteller

That’s the subhead for a Wall Street Journal column crafted by Peggy Noonan earlier in the month. It triggered over 700 posted comments which says something about the topic. After her preamble that patriotism is alive and well even as the country struggles to find its mojo, we get to the heart of the matter: “Are those …more

White House Takes "Every Organization Is Media" To The Next Level

Government entities have always recognized the benefit of media-like qualities. Heck, the U.S. military publishes “Stars and Stripes.” One could argue the White House jumped on this bandwagon during the Hoover administration when it created the position of White House press secretary. But the Obama administration takes the “every organization is media” mantra to the next …more

Grading Out President Obama’s Image Management

Politics aside, one would have to grade out President Obama’s image management as a solid A (assuming he turned in all of his homework assignments). Given he inherited an economy teetering on the brink, he’s followed the first rule in any crisis; i.e., consistently communicate the story which, in turn, minimizes any voids. And don’t …more

Obama’s Infomercial Offers Lesson in Storytelling

I tend to associate infomercials with Ginsu knives and historical videos on World War II. Obviously, the Barack Obama infomercial that aired last month was not in the order-now-and-get-free-shipping genre.   Putting politics aside, the video comes across as a powerful communications vehicle. How can you go wrong with world-class production quality, panoramic views of “amber waves of …more