Category: Visual Storytelling


Visual Storytelling, Online Radio and SEO Media Covers Storytelling

The grab bag post is back. Here goes. Visual Storytelling from VentureBeat VentureBeat publishes stories every day on the latest startups to secure venture funding. As you might imagine, the visuals that usually accompany these stories might  be called uninspiring (to be kind). So I enjoyed the double entendre when VentureBeat channeled Breaking Bad in …more

How B2B Companies Can Bring Method to the Social Media Madness

I saw a LinkedIn study that claimed that 84 percent of B2B executives source social media to make a purchasing decision. Even if the stat is on the high side (skewed by LinkedIn’s agenda), the fact that B2B buyers (like the rest of the human race) spend more time online means more time on social …more

Contrast as a Storytelling Technique in Business Communications

In conducting our storytelling workshops, the concept of contrast is one technique that always resonates with participants. I think of contrast as a poor man’s failure. Several posts have highlighted the power of failure in lifting a narrative, but most companies won’t go there. When was the last time a CEO barked “OK, let’s focus …more

Six Tips for the World’s Most Underrated Social Media Platform

We are fans of SlideShare as a platform for business storytelling. The odometer on our SlideShare — we’ve posted six decks since 2011 — just passed the 100,000 views mark, not too shabby for a communications consultancy that works behind the curtain. While consumer brands use SlideShare, its marriage of in-depth content and social make …more

The Perfect Holiday Gift from One Word Geek to Another

Naturally, it’s a book. It’s called “Lost in Translation” and no, it’s not about Bill Murray finding it a tough go in Tokyo. The author Ella Frances Sanders captures words from various languages around the world that defy translation. Yiddish contributes three words without even tapping the classic impossible-to-define “mensch.” My grandmother on my mom’s …more

This Word Visual Serves Up Thanksgiving Humor

I explored the concept of word visuals earlier this month as the perfect way for PR professionals to bridge into the visual world. For those not familiar with word visuals, one “packages” clever words in a way that brings a visual dimension to communications. What’s key is they emphasize the words with the design element …more

What the Heck Is a “Word Visual?”

I’ve explored how non-designers in the communications business can get the visual storytelling religion. While the vast majority of PR folks struggle to bring a visual dimension to communications, there’s a design technique that plays to our strength. What I call “word visuals” come in three flavors: Clever words that stand on their own: The …more

Helping Non-designers Get the Visual Storytelling Religion

Previous posts have discussed the challenge for PR folks to embrace visual storytelling in communications. Coming from the world of words (WOW), we’re typically not schooled in design and the creation of visuals . But as PR increasingly manages owned media properties like blogs, we should be taking a page — taking a visual doesn’t …more

You Too Can Join Bill Gates, Deepak Chopra and the Like in Publishing on the LinkedIn Platform. Not Exactly.

It’s true that back in November LinkedIn opened up its publishing platform to the proletariat. To this point, only big names and the connected few were designated as  “LinkedIn Influencers” and enjoyed access to the platform. Don’t mistake access to LinkedIn’s publishing platform as being able to join LinkedIn’s Influencer posse that benefit from LinkedIn’s …more