Tag: Android


Google Ignores Its Own Best Practices for SEO

  If any organization should nail the fundamentals of SEO, it’s Google. After all, Google wrote the rules behind online search and holds the keys to the algorithm. It’s a little like knowing the words for a spelling bee before the spelling bee takes place. Sure, it still takes knowledge to win it, but the …more

Google Ignores Its Own Best Practices for SEO

  If any organization should nail the fundamentals of SEO, it’s Google. After all, Google wrote the rules behind online search and holds the keys to the algorithm. It’s a little like knowing the words for a spelling bee before the spelling bee takes place. Sure, it still takes knowledge to win it, but the …more

Tips for Designing a Podcast Studio

By Eric van Damme, The Hoffman Agency London   “Mic check, 1,2” Those were the first words recorded in our podcast studio after some time experimenting what the best setup would be to launch our own audio sessions. Rewind to a few months ago, and I would have told you confidently that it would be …more

The Evolution Of The Tiny Story

If you ask people what’s the one digital device they absolutely can’t live without, the mobile phone comes out as the clear leader. That’s why you have industry heavyweights like Google’s Eric Schmidt calling mobile advertising the  single most exciting opportunity for the do-no-evil guys as far back as 2006 (The Wall Street Journal). It also …more