Tag: artificial intelligence


Fast Company and WIRED Offer Top-of-mind Takes on Tech Trends and PR

By Gerard Smith, Intern, The Hoffman Agency . . Fast-paced business, sky-high valuations, innovation-driven individuals and unlimited opportunity; a few of the ideas that came to mind when I pictured Silicon Valley nearly three months ago before moving here sight unseen. Although I may have relied too heavily on the fantastical experiences of Richard Hendricks …more

Time for Communicators to Deviate from the Status Quo

I’ll be in Portland on April 12 talking at an IABC Oregon luncheon. I plan to use the occasion to explore whether communicators are changing fast enough. The velocity of change in today’s world can be unnerving. Cars that drive themselves. Bursts of 140-character missives that impact the Presidential election. A startup trying to invent …more