Tag: Audience


How to Set Up a B2B Facebook Advertising Campaign

By Jackson Dulzo, Senior Account Executive At Hoffman we’re increasingly executing integrated communications campaigns that roll earned, owned and paid media into a single client budget to reach B2B audiences. It’s here that traditional PR techniques like media relations and thought leadership combine beautifully with the new generation of publicity tools, including paid social ads …more

A Communications Train Wreck for the Ages

  I collect examples of dreadful communications. Every large company at some point drives off the communications road of common sense and ends up as a piñata on social media. When United Airlines baggage handlers “mishandled” a guitar back in 2008 and United refused to reimburse the passenger, the company had no clue that the …more

When Competing News Helps Your Story

Everyone recognizes the benefit of steering clear of major media events when making an announcement. It’s safe to say that January 20 is not the time to roll out a new line of laptop computers. But there are scenarios when news relevant to your story hitting in roughly the same timeframe works to your advantage. Take the well-crafted story …more