Tag: blending pr and digital


This Experiment Proves SEO Extends the Reach of a Corporate Blog

Before jumping into the experiment, a few words on the big picture. After beating the SEO drum since 2010, it baffles us that the PR industry hasn’t embraced this discipline. Our push to marry SEO and PR picked up steam seven years ago when Google overhauled its search algorithm.     Google used the Hummingbird …more

Why SEO Is a Natural Fit for the PR Industry

We’ve been touting the virtues of SEO in PR strategies since 2010. Our push to integrate SEO and PR accelerated in 2013 when Google revamped its search algorithm with the Hummingbird update.     It was at this point that Google squeezed most of the gamesmanship out of organic search. Those backlinks sold out of …more

Blending PR and Digital to Explore Visual Storytelling

Our campaigns increasingly pay homage to search and online presence. Regardless of the organization, the target audience at some point conducts due diligence online. Which means bringing digital skills to the table in building a client’s online profile. I recently shared a case study from our China team in which WeChat anchored a campaign. And …more