Tag: broadcast


Five Tips to Make an Impression on Phone Interviews

Needless to say, COVID-19 has changed the way people live, work and play. The broadcast media industry is no exception with radio presenters and journalists now conducting live profile interviews over the phone. How can we as communications consultants help our clients adjust to this new normal and maximize interviews over the phone? These five …more

Novellus CEO Tells His Story On TV During Both Good And Bad Times

Sheri Baer, the Agency’s broadcast practice leader, regularly contributes to this forum, last taking readers behind the curtain of Bloomberg TV. In her latest take, she makes the point that leaders lead regardless of the market conditions. This is the wrong time of year to own tech … And if you didn’t believe me before, …more

The Story Is Always There

I was honored that Kathy Hansen invited me to participate in her Q&A series. She asked me to share one piece of advice or wisdom on storytelling. My response – The story is always there. I truly believe this. Every company has something compelling to say. But like discovery in the legal sphere, it can …more

Compelling Broadcast Storytelling

This guest post comes from Sheri Baer who heads our broadcast practice. She shares a behind-the-scenes look at one particular client’s story and how the humanity played out in both print and broadcast media. As broadcast director at The Hoffman Agency, it’s my job to get executives on TV. I spent 13 years working on …more