Tag: COVID-19


Tackling Armies-of-One

By Chris Owen, Director, Hoffman Europe Blah blah pandemic, blah blah disruption. There we go — bigger picture ticked off without the need for a 150-word set-up. Let’s just get cracking on the discussion — namely, how we can learn from past experience and avoid the problems many face with remote working. First up, an …more

The Top 10 Storytelling Posts of 2020

What a weird year. Being the mug-is-half-full type, I believe 2021 will (eventually) bring us some semblance of normalcy. As for the past year, I could have devoted every post to the antics from the White House. Exercising restraint that would have made my mom proud, I found plenty of other topics to parachute into. …more

Dear College Grad: Create a Resume That Breaks the Rules

A zillion college graduates are about to descend on civilization with shiny apples in hand. The demand versus supply equation doesn’t work in the graduate’s favor. And it’s even tougher this year. COVID-19 has swung a wrecking ball through the economy. Every day brings headlines about more layoffs in Corporate America. I haven’t seen the …more

The Act of Being Nice

People tend to underrate being nice. Some might even consider being nice is a sign of weakness. As the Brooklyn Dodgers manager Leo Durocher famously put it, “Nice guys finish last.” I don’t believe that was true in 1946, and I definitely don’t believe that’s true today. In today’s environment, when we cross paths with …more

Five Tips to Make an Impression on Phone Interviews

Needless to say, COVID-19 has changed the way people live, work and play. The broadcast media industry is no exception with radio presenters and journalists now conducting live profile interviews over the phone. How can we as communications consultants help our clients adjust to this new normal and maximize interviews over the phone? These five …more

China Borrows from Trump Playbook, Fanning the Flames of Xenophobia

President Trump referred to COVID-19 as a “foreign virus” during his Oval Office speech last month. Soon after, that phrase gave way to the “China virus” triggering a spike of racism directed at Chinese Americans. Of course, Trump enjoys race baiting. It’s good TV. Most Americans don’t realize – or perhaps don’t care – that …more

3M Leans on Owned Media to Counter Punch

  Owned media at its best can provide a counter-balance to perceived injustices from the media and social channels. Organizations ranging from Google to Walmart to the Brookings Institution have depended on their blogs to deliver their point-of-view to blunt an attack. Now comes 3M, under fire last week (April 2) from President Trump who …more