Tag: Dylan McGrath


The Plight of Electronic Engineering Times and Other Niche Publications

I decided to republish this post from a few year ago after hearing that EE Times had parted way with its editor-in-chief Dylan McGrath and the extraordinary journalist Rick Merritt who had been at the publication for nearly 20 years. For those of us in communications who toil in the semiconductor sector, it’s a downer. …more

A Behind-the-curtain Look at EE Times’ Bigger Picture

By Jaime Hamilton, Account Coordinator   For EE Times, the days of thinking small are over. Marked by an October 1 relaunch, the publication embarked down a new path that combines an aesthetic upgrade with fortified substance — all-encompassed by a new mantra: Think Big. “We, as editors, were trained to think small as our …more

The Mind of B2B Buyers and Where They Go for Information

Steve Jursa (EVP in the San Jose office) recently attended a presentation called “The Mind of the Engineer” by Aspen Core, the company that owns EE Times. They surveyed over 4,000 engineers around the world to better understand their day-to-day jobs, how they gather information and what their guilty pleasure on Netflix is (just kidding …more