Tag: Earned search


Google Ignores Its Own Best Practices for SEO

  If any organization should nail the fundamentals of SEO, it’s Google. After all, Google wrote the rules behind online search and holds the keys to the algorithm. It’s a little like knowing the words for a spelling bee before the spelling bee takes place. Sure, it still takes knowledge to win it, but the …more

Google Ignores Its Own Best Practices for SEO

  If any organization should nail the fundamentals of SEO, it’s Google. After all, Google wrote the rules behind online search and holds the keys to the algorithm. It’s a little like knowing the words for a spelling bee before the spelling bee takes place. Sure, it still takes knowledge to win it, but the …more

Mulling on the (potentially) happy marriage of PR and SEO

By Mark Pinsent, Managing Director, Hoffman Europe   Public Relations and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) haven’t always been the happiest of bedfellows let alone entertained thoughts about a long-term commitment. There are a number of potential reasons for the lack of chemistry. Perhaps the historical perception of unethical ‘black hat’ SEO and underhand link-building programmes …more

Time To Redefine “Organic Search” as “Earned Search”

John Belushi asks the question (in my version of “Animal House”). I’ve made this plea before. But don’t listen to me (or John). Rand Fishkin, one of the top SEO gurus in the country, supports this point in one of his white board videos. Check out this clip:   These words from Mr. Fishkin are …more

Time for PR to Rally Behind “Earned Search”

I spoke on “PR and SEO. No Longer a Match Made in Hell” at the Holmes Innovation Summit last week. In the course of preparing for the talk, I had a Mt. Sinai moment. Imagine the advertising world foisting the term “organic media” on the PR industry to replace “earned media.” We would have a …more