Tag: editorial content


How to land a story in top-tier publications

  “I want to be in WIRED. How do I get into WIRED?” By Chris Owen, Director, Hoffman Europe As a PR pro, if I had £1,000 for every time a prospect or client said, “We’d like to get into WIRED / The Economist / the FT,” then I’d genuinely have no mortgage. I might …more

How Russia Fools Readers the Old-fashioned (and Legal) Way

In this era of fake news sites and outlandish assertions touched by social media suddenly morphing into perceived truths, Russia also depends on the advertorial as a “weapon” of choice to tell its story. With ex-FBI Director James Comey’s recent testimony reigniting the Russia maelstrom, it’s easy to forget that Russia’s approach to disrupting the …more

Transforming The “Engaged Reader” Into A Journalist

The concept of reader engagement championed in the blogosphere is now making the rounds in the traditional publishing world. BusinessWeek serves as a good exhibit A. MediaShift captured changes afoot at BW in a far-reaching post that included an interview with the big cheese himself, EIC John Byrne. On the topic of reader engagement Byrne shared: …more