Tag: executive communications


The M&A Letter That You Won’t Be Reading Anytime Soon

Between the internet, social media and human beings’ proclivity for talking, transparency is the rage. Companies figure that even sensitive information — especially sensitive information — eventually finds its way to the outside world, so they’re better off sharing their perspective before the grapevine kicks into gear. Yet, there’s zero transparency in the letters that …more

Eleven Words to Reduce Politics in Your Organization

Today’s guest post comes from Dave Kellogg who participates in the madness called Silicon Valley from a variety of perches. I met Dave when he was CEO of a software startup called MarkLogic, periodically lunching at the San Carlos Airport café where we hatched plans to get the world to care about unstructured data. While …more

Execs Struggle with One of the Most Effective Storytelling Techniques

Showing one’s humanity is a sure-fire way to bring a storytelling dimension to communications. Yet, most executives do the exact opposite. They make a conscious effort to hide their humanity. Why? To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling, we’re told early in our careers that business is business, personal is personal, and never the twain shall meet. It’s a …more