Tag: Financial Times


China’s 996 Work Ethic vs. Silicon Valley

If you’re not familiar with the “996” acronym in China, it stands for working from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. six days each week. Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, seemed to have hit a nerve last week when he remarked on WeChat: “I personally think that being able to work 996 is a huge blessing.” …more

And I Thought Media Properties Had Stopped Aspiring to Be PR Agencies

Look, I recognize it’s been a rugged 20 years or so for the publishing industry. Since Craigslist showed up on their doorstep and eviscerated classified advertising, media properties searching for new revenue streams seem to have a certain Ponce de León quality to them. Some would argue that in a world where people expect to …more

FT Rejects Biz Storytelling, Beware of Moving Images and Infomercials Baffle FTC

The grab bag returns with three vignettes from the wacky world of communications.   Financial Times Rejects Business Storytelling The job description for columnists always includes the verb, provoke. In this regard, I suppose the column by FT’s Lucy Kellaway, “Stories Are Best for the Bible and In Novels” works. After all, I’m taking the …more