Tag: Hoffman Asian office


Tirades, Tariffs and a PR Intern in Beijing

Sitting in the U.S., it’s easy to get caught up in the China rhetoric emanating from the White House and the latest if-you-do-that-we’ll-do-this missives. President Trump would have us believe that the global economy is a zero sum game, that every dollar gained by China leads to a loss of a buck in the U.S. …more

Shaking Up the Status Quo in Asia Leads to Industry Recognition.

The Holmes Report recently shorted-listed our Asia Pacific team as Tech Agency of the Year in the region. As an agency that competes against companies 50+ times larger, this type of industry recognition is important. It reminds the outside world that bigger isn’t better (said the guy who tips 5 foot 4 on a good …more

Translating a Silicon Valley Culture in Japan

By Shingo Nomura, Vice President, North Asia for The Hoffman Agency   I joined The Hoffman Agency to lead its Japan office in 2002. After roughly four years at a traditional local PR company in Japan, I found the idea of blending a Silicon Valley mentality with the Japanese way quite appealing. While I didn’t understand …more

Journalist Grills Me on Indonesia, the PR industry and Fun

After the press event to launch our office in Jakarta last month, a journalist from one of the local publications interviewed me. Here’s an excerpt from that interview.     Q What is interesting about the Indonesia market that makes Hoffman want to open a branch in Indonesia? A As one of the smaller global …more

As the Postcard Says, We Are Now Officially Telling Stories from Indonesia

We launched Hoffman Agensi Indonesia today. It’s worth taking a moment to step back and reflect on our infrastructure. Given our focus on the tech sector — defined broadly as semiconductors, fitness gadgets and everything in between — we don’t need offices everywhere. Instead, our approach has been to make sure we’re in the markets …more