Tag: Junko Yoshida


The Plight of Electronic Engineering Times and Other Niche Publications

I decided to republish this post from a few year ago after hearing that EE Times had parted way with its editor-in-chief Dylan McGrath and the extraordinary journalist Rick Merritt who had been at the publication for nearly 20 years. For those of us in communications who toil in the semiconductor sector, it’s a downer. …more

Journalists Offer Tips on Interviewing, a Key to Storytelling

The reason PR fails at storytelling often has nothing to do with understanding the makings of a good story or writing expertise. Instead, the root cause can lie in the interviewing process for sourcing the content. If you don’t get this upfront step right — pulling out the type of content that the outside world …more

The Plight of Electronic Engineering Times and Other Niche Publications

Word has circulated through the grapevine that EE Times has experienced yet another staff reduction. At least the move comes at a time when companies including those in the semiconductor industry have got the content marketing religion. For journalists open to exploring gigs outside the traditional media, they’ll find options. But what about EE Times? …more

EE Times Strives to Jump Start the Conversation

Junko Yoshida, EE Times EIC, penned a grab-you-by-the-throat editorial, “To Vendors, Where’s Your Community Spirit?” She makes the point that “engagement” has become the new black, but vendors continue to be conspicuously absent in the EE Times conversation: While the guys with all the money continue to spout the importance of engagement, they seem to …more

Lunch Session With EE Times’ Junko Yoshida

Last week’s Lunch Bucket featured EE Times EIC Junko Yoshida. It was a terrific session with Junko sharing insights on the internal workings of the media property, her team, and the tech sector in general. I’ll post a write-up on Junko’s talk on Wednesday. In the meantime, thanks to the photography from Carlos Mangandy, here’s …more

Engineers Like a Good Story Too

We’ve discussed this topic before. While professionals coming from a technical orientation gravitate toward the tangible, there’s also a place for storytelling in reaching this audience. That’s why companies like Intel devote considerable resources to putting a “face” on the company. That’s also why the editor-in-chief of EE Times, Junko Yoshida, applies storytelling techniques in her own writing. For exhibit A, …more