Tag: magellan


Moes Takes: Communicating with Compelling Language II

I introduced a regular feature called Moes Takes last month. As a refresher, I worked with Rob Moes who was VP of marketing for Philips in the mid 1980s. During an interview at COMDEX, a reporter pressed Moes for projections on how many CD-ROM drives would be sold looking out five years. Rob responded “That’s …more

Communicating with Fresh and Compelling Language

We associate the “sound bite” with television. Capture your idea in an entertaining 20 seconds and increase the likelihood of making the 11 p.m. news. The same concept exists in print journalism. At the risk of oversimplifying, given a choice between dull or exciting, reporters will take exciting every time. One of my all-time favorite …more

The Evolution Of The Tiny Story

If you ask people what’s the one digital device they absolutely can’t live without, the mobile phone comes out as the clear leader. That’s why you have industry heavyweights like Google’s Eric Schmidt calling mobile advertising the  single most exciting opportunity for the do-no-evil guys as far back as 2006 (The Wall Street Journal). It also …more