Tag: online presence


When PR Becomes the Hammer

The vast majority of companies invest in public relations to raise their public profiles — and with a little luck, fortify the corporate brand. Then, there are the situations in which PR becomes a blunt instrument in a public spat, and the objective becomes exerting as much pain on your opponent as possible. That’s what …more

The Concept of the Story Page (complementing the home page)

Traffic to news sites increasingly comes in through the side doors, that is, from search and social means. Adrienne LaFrance recently wrote on this very topic for Nieman Lab: As with newspapers – which haven’t so much disappeared as been pushed off center stage – few are saying that homepages will disappear completely. But as …more

Revisiting SEO And The Toyota PR Crisis

We believe today’s public relations programs must reflect a basic understanding of search engine optimization. The connections between content, online presence and organic search traffic are too strong to ignore. We were reminded of this dynamic during a check-in on one of our SEO experiments from over two years ago. When the Toyota recall and …more