Tag: PR agency client relations


Why ‘provocative’ should be part of your owned content strategy

By Mark Pinsent, Managing Director, Hoffman Europe   It’s an interesting word, provocative. Many (most?) people would feel that it has negative connotations; that it’s about someone looking for an argument, spoiling for a fight. Indeed, if you look at many dictionary definitions, these do lean towards the adverse, for example, “causing an angry reaction, …more

A Special Post to Help PR Agency Professionals Decode 11 Client Phrases

Cryptology, the science of coding and decoding messages, doesn’t appear in the mass communications syllabus at universities. And PR consultancies don’t invest in cryptology equipment like the handy “Lorenz SZ.42 Cipher Machine” pictured above (it’s a beauty). Yet, how PR professionals on the front lines interpret a certain client phrase can make or break an …more