This Experiment Proves SEO Extends the Reach of a Corporate Blog

Before jumping into the experiment, a few words on the big picture. After beating the SEO drum since 2010, it baffles us that the PR industry hasn’t embraced this discipline. Our push to marry SEO and PR picked up steam seven years ago when Google overhauled its search algorithm.     Google used the Hummingbird …more

Why SEO Is a Natural Fit for the PR Industry

We’ve been touting the virtues of SEO in PR strategies since 2010. Our push to integrate SEO and PR accelerated in 2013 when Google revamped its search algorithm with the Hummingbird update.     It was at this point that Google squeezed most of the gamesmanship out of organic search. Those backlinks sold out of …more

Time To Redefine “Organic Search” as “Earned Search”

John Belushi asks the question (in my version of “Animal House”). I’ve made this plea before. But don’t listen to me (or John). Rand Fishkin, one of the top SEO gurus in the country, supports this point in one of his white board videos. Check out this clip:   These words from Mr. Fishkin are …more

SEO Welcomes Storytelling and PR to the “Family.”

I’ve advocated that PR sits in the best position to lead the organic search charge or what I prefer to call “earned search.” As Google continues to squeeze the technical gamesmanship out of SEO, the signals most valued by Google in determining what to serve up for a given search tend to fall within the …more

What’s All the Fuss About Semantic Search?

Google wants the best content to win. The more Google serves up content for searches that you find useful, the more likely you keep returning to the search engine. The company’s business model depends on this concept with the high volume of traffic to organic search essentially feeding paid search, the ads that appear above …more

It’s Not an SEO’s Job to Create Content

Search Engine Watch blasted out this headline and accompanying post last week. It’s yet another piece of evidence for why we’re (and public relations) in a better position than SEO consultancies to implement organic search campaigns. As discussed before, the SEO consulting industry sprung out of Google’s license to print money which goes by the …more

The News Release: Friend, Foe or Link Builder

I espoused the virtues of the humble news release as a link-building tool to Mashable some time ago and continue to believe in this tactic. We apply this thinking in cultivating our own brand. For example, we distributed a news release on our new U.S. general manager last week that generated syndicated pickup in a …more