Tag: President Obama storytelling


Execs Struggle with One of the Most Effective Storytelling Techniques

Showing one’s humanity is a sure-fire way to bring a storytelling dimension to communications. Yet, most executives do the exact opposite. They make a conscious effort to hide their humanity. Why? To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling, we’re told early in our careers that business is business, personal is personal, and never the twain shall meet. It’s a …more

A Troubled Nation Needs a Real Leader, Not a Storyteller

That’s the subhead for a Wall Street Journal column crafted by Peggy Noonan earlier in the month. It triggered over 700 posted comments which says something about the topic. After her preamble that patriotism is alive and well even as the country struggles to find its mojo, we get to the heart of the matter: “Are those …more