Tag: reputation management


What Really Happened Before the NRA’s Press Conference on December 21

It seems every PR person in America has weighed in on the NRA’s press conference last month. No need to rehash this ground with another “What the NRA should have done is …” Instead, I’ve extrapolated from information in the public domain and pieced together how I think the dialogue went down between the NRA’s …more

Open Letter To Art Howe On Public Relations And Image Restoration

Dear Artie, It is OK to call you Artie? Anyway, I’ll get to the point. Your rush to join the talk-show circuit after the debut of “Money Ball” generated some good news and bad news. Let’s start with the good news. You didn’t send your wife to do your bidding and talk to the media. Thank goodness you’re a student of …more

What’s The Story With Netflix?

Let’s start with the positive side. Netflix customers passionately care about the service. Every time Kellogg’s raises the price of Pop-Tarts, you don’t even hear a whimper. But the Netflix customer base responded with the emotional fervor of a South American futbol match. Why? Take a look at the blog post announcing the pricing change. After laying out …more