Tag: target audience


Google Ignores Its Own Best Practices for SEO

  If any organization should nail the fundamentals of SEO, it’s Google. After all, Google wrote the rules behind online search and holds the keys to the algorithm. It’s a little like knowing the words for a spelling bee before the spelling bee takes place. Sure, it still takes knowledge to win it, but the …more

Google Ignores Its Own Best Practices for SEO

  If any organization should nail the fundamentals of SEO, it’s Google. After all, Google wrote the rules behind online search and holds the keys to the algorithm. It’s a little like knowing the words for a spelling bee before the spelling bee takes place. Sure, it still takes knowledge to win it, but the …more

Communications and the Acceleration to a Mobile World

Communicators have recognized for some time that people, otherwise known as the target audience, increasingly turn to mobile devices to access content. How has this phenomenon impacted the PR profession? In a word, notmuch. As long as our coveted media targets did their part to ensure their stories were mobile-friendly, we figured our bases were …more

Companies Increasingly Punch Back at the Media

Mark Twain famously said, “I never quarrel with a man who buys ink by the barrel.” Now that the internet has ended the correlation between barrels of ink and reach of audience, companies are more inclined to “quarrel” with the media. In the old days, if a company took issue with a critical article, it …more