Tag: trust


Autopsy on a Client Relationship That Went South

Trust — flowing in both directions — underpins healthy client-agency relationships. Imagine if we had to “fact check” every utterance from a client contact? It would paralyze the PR effort. We make the leap of faith that the client contact is telling us the truth. And we expect clients to trust our judgment. This doesn’t …more

Mulling on the (potentially) happy marriage of PR and SEO

By Mark Pinsent, Managing Director, Hoffman Europe   Public Relations and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) haven’t always been the happiest of bedfellows let alone entertained thoughts about a long-term commitment. There are a number of potential reasons for the lack of chemistry. Perhaps the historical perception of unethical ‘black hat’ SEO and underhand link-building programmes …more

Storytelling As A Platform For Building Trust

I conducted a session on storytelling for one of Sony’s sales teams earlier in the week. An old poll jointly conducted by The New York Times and CBS served as a good trigger for discussion. The first chart points out that the average person feels “on guard” with others. It gets worse as you can …more