Tag: WikiLeaks


Top Storytelling Techniques Posts From 2010 (Part II)

Yesterday’s post highlighted half of my list of favorite posts from 2010. Here’s the second half of the list. 7) Aligning PR with Storytelling for the Happily Ever After We got the SlideShare religion this year. Using the medium, we walk the viewer through the power of storytelling techniques in building content for public relations. …more

Where Did Journalist Julian Assange Get His PR Degree?

Want the media to pay attention? Offer a compelling story. Want the media to really pay attention? Deliver a really compelling story. I get this concept. But to say Julian Assange dominates the headlines because WikiLeaks is a world-shaking story shortchanges Mr. Assange’s PR savvy. As Reuters pointed out, Assange “has masterfully manipulated elite media outfits.” Digging deeper, Assange …more