Tag: work from home


Tackling Armies-of-One

By Chris Owen, Director, Hoffman Europe Blah blah pandemic, blah blah disruption. There we go — bigger picture ticked off without the need for a 150-word set-up. Let’s just get cracking on the discussion — namely, how we can learn from past experience and avoid the problems many face with remote working. First up, an …more

Mental Health in the Communications Industry

Last week signaled “World Mental Health Day.” We know mental health is an issue in the communications industry. The PRCA just released a study that showed 48% of PR practitioners in Asia say they’re “going through a particularly stressful period in life right now, and more than a third say the pandemic has worsened their …more

Five Tips to Make an Impression on Phone Interviews

Needless to say, COVID-19 has changed the way people live, work and play. The broadcast media industry is no exception with radio presenters and journalists now conducting live profile interviews over the phone. How can we as communications consultants help our clients adjust to this new normal and maximize interviews over the phone? These five …more