Archive: 2016


PR Unchained with Quentin Hardy from The New York Times

By Melissa Lewelling, Account Executive, The Hoffman Agency . As a former journalist, I tend to find PR events featuring journalists and the ethereal question, “How can PR help you do your job better?” — frankly — comical. These types of events often feature panels of journalists who don’t want to be there, don’t really …more

Five Business Storytelling Lessons in a 75-second Video From Canal+

I came across this video “Never Estimate the Power of a Great Story” back in 2009. Even knowing the ending, the humor still slaps you across the face. After a recent watch, I realized the video delivers a few pain-free lessons in business storytelling. . Sure, the protagonist manages to escape death several times — machine …more

Scientific Study Correlates Storytelling to Gender-specific Outcomes

I’ve been thinking about The Wall Street Journal article, “Why Good Storytellers Are Happier in Life and Love.” The story cites new research from the Journal of Personal Relationships — when my wife says I subscribe to everything, I now have a credible retort — that shows women find men who are good storytellers more …more

Execs Struggle with One of the Most Effective Storytelling Techniques

Showing one’s humanity is a sure-fire way to bring a storytelling dimension to communications. Yet, most executives do the exact opposite. They make a conscious effort to hide their humanity. Why? To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling, we’re told early in our careers that business is business, personal is personal, and never the twain shall meet. It’s a …more

The Best Storytelling Posts for the First Half of 2016 (Part II)

The heck with big data, analytics and science. Subjectivity rules in selecting the top 10 posts from the first half of the year. Tuesday’s post captured half of the list. Here’s the second half. 6. Media Squeeze — and Watermelon Explosion — Described by the NY Times Presents an Opportunity for PR The New York Times …more

The Best Storytelling Posts for the First Half of 2016 (Part I)

I’m with the seagull. As my Mom will attest, I wasn’t big on rules. Since starting the blog back in 2008, I’ve strived to offer perspectives that you won’t find in the Communications 101 handbook. This is the time of year when I reflect, calling  out what I consider to be the 10 best posts …more

It’s True. Amazon and The New York Times Have Kissed and Made Up.

Turning to the front page of The New York Times business section yesterday, I did a double take. Sitting above the fold found The New York Times taking on the story line of Amazon constructing buildings around oversized greenhouses in downtown Seattle. I wouldn’t exactly call this a puff piece, but it sure does come …more

8 Techniques to Increase Twitter Engagement that are NOT Based on Science

The math for Twitter appears so promising. At last count, over 300 million people use Twitter. Certainly, at least a few people will appreciate your clever jab at Lady Gaga. Unfortunately, such logic is flawed. The social media platform doesn’t make it easy to get noticed. You craft the perfect tweet — one sure to …more

The Winner in the Kevin Durant Sweepstakes: Owned Media

Sure, the Golden State Warriors just landed one of the top free agents in NBA history and will now enter the 2016/2017 season as prohibitive favorites to take back the championship crown from LeBron. But the behind–the-scenes winner in the Kevin Durant sweepstakes was “owned media.” Eschewing the conventional news release and press conference, Durant …more