The heck with big data, analytics and science.
Subjectivity rules in selecting the top 10 posts from the first half of the year.
Tuesday’s post captured half of the list.
Here’s the second half.
6. Media Squeeze — and Watermelon Explosion — Described by the NY Times Presents an Opportunity for PR
The New York Times used BuzzFeed’s “how many rubber bands does it take to explode a watermelon?” event to make the point that “it’s incumbent upon news organizations to do a better job.” But doing a better job as defined by The New York Times opens the door to a huge opportunity for PR and owned media, particularly for B2B companies.
7. Tyrion Shows Persuasive Language, Not Slides, Wins the Day in Game Thrones
The Game of Thrones season 6 finale was nothing short of epic with Tyrion now firmly entrenched as Daenerys’ right-hand consigliere. But how did Tyrion, after navigating episodes of craziness and sharp objects, land in this position? This post scrutinizes Tyrion’s persuasive language that ultimately won over Daenerys.
8. The “F Word” in Storytelling and Business
There’s nothing like failure — something going horrible awry, the more pain, the better – to create tension in a story. Of course, this poses a problem for communicators and their quest to amplify the goodness of their companies or clients. Yet, there are ways to package failure as an asset in business communications.
9. Here’s What Your High School English Teacher Meant by “Show, Don’t Tell” in Storytelling
Those who help organizations communicate to the outside world can take lessons from all forms of storytelling. One of my favorite go-to exercises for our storytelling workshop leans on the movie “500 Days of Summer” to wean participants off of adjectives.
10. Words Can Underpin Visual Storytelling. Let Me Explain
Words can be the basis of visual storytelling. “Word visuals” are perfect for PR folks who can experience terror when trying to bring a visual dimension to communications.
If chaos is God’s gift to communications, we should be swimming in goodwill over the rest of 2016.
The U.S. presidential elections.
The UK ditching the EU.
Journalism still struggling to make a dime.
Facebook minting “dimes.”
PR trying to outrun disruption.
And the list goes on.
Needless to say, there’s plenty to write about in the coming months (years?). If you have questions or topic ideas, by all means pass them along. I could use the guidance.