The Agency will celebrate its 30-year anniversary on Sept. 15 with a party.
There’s nothing like a milestone to prompt reflections. Yes, 30 years is a long time.
At the 10,000-foot level, I view the Agency’s lifecycle from a U.S. perspective in three phases:

Naturally, our lifecycle takes the form of the classic story arc.
For those of you who worked at the Agency during the HP days, roughly 1987 thru 2002 — it was easy to think that the Constitution guaranteed “life, liberty and a revenue stream that kept going up and to the right.” Whether you worked on HP or other accounts, there was a fresh vibe that comes from trying to build an organization from the ground up and having things work out for the most part. I know things weren’t perfect. As someone new to managing people, learning by trial and error had a downside for those on the receiving end. Still, all in all, life was pretty darn good.
These good times screamed — screech isn’t quite loud enough — to a halt after losing the HP business on the heels of HP acquiring Compaq. Those working at the Agency between 2002 and 2012 experienced a different cadence along the lines of two steps forward, two steps back, two steps forward, two steps back. For those who left the Agency during this period with a less-than-positive perception, I understand. It wasn’t our finest moment (if a moment can last 10 years).
Last, we have the rejuvenation that started with the hiring of Steve Burkhart in 2012 to run the North America operation, and it continues today. In retooling the organization and experiencing success, we’ve returned to a rock ’n’ roll mode; albeit, with a more measured view of what it takes to sustain the good times.
Here’s the point —
We are who we are because of you. I apologize for plagiarizing Popeye. Let’s try this again.
No matter where you fit in the Agency’s journey, you made a difference. Borrowing from molecular science, every “particle” in aggregate constitutes today’s Agency.
We want this 30-year fest to be a celebration of everyone who has contributed to the Agency. At the very least, it’s the perfect way to catch up and reconnect with old friends. Beyond alumni, we’re inviting past clients, journalists and others who have intersected with our galaxy. Note the smooth segue into astronomy.
This note was part of an email invitation/newsletter that went out the door last month. We couldn’t track down everyone’s email address so I apologize if we missed you. By all means, send your updated email address our way so we can update our list (database sounds so cold).
Heather and I hope you can make it and will encourage others to stop by. Please RSVP to Kelly Trom at Ktrom@hoffman.com
As for the party details:

In the spirit of quality control, we’ve been making unannounced visits to the taproom and are pleased to report the beers continue to taste good.
Corrinne Lieu
Lou and Heather,
Thank you for the invite! I’ll be there for sure!
Lou Hoffman
Excellent! Good hearing from you Corrine. It has been a long time. Glad to hear you’ll be there; feel free to bring a guest.
Naveed Khan
I would like to participate in Hoffman Agency 30-year fest.
Lou Hoffman
Hi Naveed.
And now comes the voilà.
You’re on the guest host.
Michelle Herman
Looking forward to the celebration!
Lou Hoffman
Ten days and counting. Look forward to seeing you, your parents and other folks. Can’t wait!