Category: Storytelling Examples


Connecting Anecdotes to Storytelling in Business Communications

I am a fan of the anecdote, one of the most underutilized storytelling techniques in business communications. Executives often perceive anecdotes as fluff and put the kibosh on such content before it sees the light of the day. Which explains why if you were to audit the content generated by PR (in-house + agency), you …more

Scientific Study Correlates Storytelling to Gender-specific Outcomes

I’ve been thinking about The Wall Street Journal article, “Why Good Storytellers Are Happier in Life and Love.” The story cites new research from the Journal of Personal Relationships — when my wife says I subscribe to everything, I now have a credible retort — that shows women find men who are good storytellers more …more

The Best Storytelling Posts for the First Half of 2016 (Part II)

The heck with big data, analytics and science. Subjectivity rules in selecting the top 10 posts from the first half of the year. Tuesday’s post captured half of the list. Here’s the second half. 6. Media Squeeze — and Watermelon Explosion — Described by the NY Times Presents an Opportunity for PR The New York Times …more

The Best Storytelling Posts for the First Half of 2016 (Part I)

I’m with the seagull. As my Mom will attest, I wasn’t big on rules. Since starting the blog back in 2008, I’ve strived to offer perspectives that you won’t find in the Communications 101 handbook. This is the time of year when I reflect, calling  out what I consider to be the 10 best posts …more

Irish Fans Bring Contrarian Storytelling to the Euro Cup

Playing a quick game of word association with European soccer fans conjures words like hooligans, violence and racism. When my family lived in the UK, my youngest son and I took in a match between West Ham and Liverpool at storied Anfield.The section for the West Ham supporters was literally wired off with police on …more

Words Can Underpin Visual Storytelling. Let Me Explain.

That’s right. The basis of visual storytelling can come from words. I call these “word visuals.” They’re perfect for PR folks who can struggle with bringing a visual dimension to communications. Words as a design technique play to our strength. These “word visuals” come in four flavors: Clever words that stand on their own: The …more

The “F Word” in Storytelling and Business

Failure. Point to a movie or a book that captivates, and I’ll show you failure. Shrek. Absolutely. Something more high-brow, like the best-selling novel “A Little Life.” Again, failure underpins the story. For it’s the failure — something going horribly awry, the more pain the better — that creates the tension in a story. As …more