Every PR agency with a pulse touts its storytelling chops. You half expect carnival barkers shouting, “Step into our tent, and we’ll show you how to tap the magic powers of storytelling to connect with the outside world, eat canapes at Davos and pal around with Anderson Cooper.”
Yet, the vast majority of content developed by the PR function continues to be dull, sometimes dreadfully dull. Put the premise of storytelling to the side for a moment. At a time when people have the attention span of a gnat and increasingly consume information on mobile phones, simply creating content that’s better than a dull is a win.
But the techniques of storytelling elude PR.
Take the storytelling technique, contrast, explaining the different between “what was” and what is.”
Daily PR Brief - Mon 08/07/17 - ITK Blog
[…] 2017) 5 Reasons Why You Need an Internal PR Newsletter (Meltwater Blog – August 6, 2017) Do PR People Get Storytelling? (Ishmael’s Corner – The Hoffman Agency – August … Why execution eats strategy for breakfast (Communications Conversations – August 7, 2017) […]