It’s my birthday today.
As my family and friends know, I’m not a big birthday guy. This has nothing to do with the annual reminder that more grains of sand in the hourglass have sifted south. Instead, it’s a byproduct of being a closet introvert.
I typically do a good job of sidestepping the concentration of hoopla.
But every once in while something happens on my birthday that’s a keeper.
Which brings me to my granddaughter, Addy Gates (who by the way delivered a performance as Count Dracula on Saturday that channeled the best of Rodney Dangerfield and Anthony Hopkins) .
She has a way with words.
I’ve always enjoyed how she describes herself on her Instagram, which I believe she wrote when she was 10.I haven’t mentioned the typo to her because it’s the bounce in her step that matters.
And she absolutely does love joking around.
A few years back she handcrafted the following birthday card for me.You can’t make this stuff up.
And yes, I do hope my life “keeps going on.”
Mike Wendelin
Happy Birthday Lou! Hope it is a great one!
Lou Hoffman
Thanks. So far so good! Enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee with the wife.
Mom and Dad
Addy wrote sweet words to you. Happy Birthday Son. Love Mom and Dad
Anneliz Hannan
Now that’s a Hallmark card I wouldn’t mind paying through the nose for in laughter at $8.95!
Lou Hoffman
That’s the ultimate compliment. Thanks.