By Shereen Masoud-Jointe, Senior Account Executive (Europe)
Just shy of the big 100, and the playlist is going strong! It continues to be updated daily — it’s hard to imagine life B.H. (Before HAJamz). I’ve come to look forward to getting that little ray of sunshine in my inbox, and I’m sure other Hoffmanites do as well.
94. My Oh My — Macklemore and Ryan Lewis
95. Taylor Swift — “ME!” (feat. Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco)
96. The end of Earth (天涯) — Richie Jen (任賢齊)
97. Alaska — Maggie Rogers
98. Parade der Zinnsoldaten — Marek Weber mit seinem Orchester
99. Festive Piece — William Gillock (hear it on YouTube)
Account Manager at HA-WA Sarah Collins shared a very sweet story about why she chose Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’s “My Oh My” (you may want to check to make sure there’s a tissue box in your vicinity before proceeding):
My grandpa and I are incredibly close, so a few months ago when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer it hit me hard. Not only were we seeing each other less frequently than usual due to COVID, but it came at a time when we’d normally be spending countless days downtown watching Mariners baseball.
For me, this song represents better days spent at the ballpark, convincing my grandpa to show up early for batting practice, waiting in line for bobbleheads and sharing fish and chips on the upper deck overlooking the water front. Like all Mariners fans, my pa is incredibly resilient, and I can’t wait for a time when we’re out the other side of this mess, and can watch a game in-person, cancer free.
P.S. In an attempt to be cool grandparents, they became huge Macklemore fans my senior year of high school, even going so far as to introduce themselves, ask him for a selfie and tell him how impressed they were with his music.
As always, you can follow along on our Spotify playlist.