Recruiting with Levity, LinkedIn ...


Ph.D.s in behavioral science tout the power of three.

Who am I to argue?

I’m now standardizing my grab-bag posts on three vignettes.

Recruiting with Levity

Few companies apply storytelling techniques in their recruitment of talent.

If there was ever a time to show some personality, it’s with job candidates.

And it doesn’t have to be a massive undertaking.

As Metamarkets shows, just one phrase can show there’s a human on the other end of the line.

metamarkets - bao bun

BTW, the muscovy duck confit terrine with green papaya and orange pickled red onions is killer. For those in Silicon Valley, the truck sits off of Curtner on Friday nights.

LinkedIn Profile for LinkedIn CEO Not Optimized

OK, it’s not a big deal.

Still, someone might want to suggest to LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner that he optimize his LinkedIn profile.

I won’t go into details (not a LinkedIn guru), but capitalizing on the option to highlight three websites seems like a good starting point.

Wiener's linkedin profile

The LinkedIn corporate blog and company’s Facebook page would be naturals.

Reid Hoffman, who co-founded LinkedIn, cleverly uses one of the three websites on his profile to promote job openings at LinkedIn.

There are a number of terrific resources on LinkedIn such as Hubspot’s eBook “How to Build a Powerful Business Presence on LinkedIn.”

Sidenote: I’m a fan of LinkedIn, or I wouldn’t consistently write about the platform or promote a LinkedIn presentation.

Provocative Headline Trumps SEO

Check out this headline and story from the China Daily:

chinadaily - Two fly rule for Beijing restrooms

Life is better than fiction.

The story also serves as an example of how storytelling can go hand-in-hand with SEO.

Consider the alternative headline:

Two Fly Rule For Beijing Bathrooms

It’s still got a twist.

Yet, searches on the word “bathrooms” exceed searches on the word “restrooms” by the tune of 1,830,000 to 450,000.

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