I predicted this train wreck.
Tapping my vast network of contacts in D.C., I published a post on May 16 that managed to piece together President Trump’s first draft of a job description for press secretary.
When it comes to this White House, the smoke signals don’t lie. Sean Spicer resigned last Friday.
Let’s look at the positive side. Sean Spicer in the role of press secretary brought new-found interest in the communications function. Even if you weren’t a fan of Spicer (and who was after he chastised journalists for not being able to count the people at the President’s inauguration?), there’s no getting around the fact that the erratic behavior of his boss made the job impossible.
The New York Times noted that “Whoever replaces Mr. Spicer will inherit one of the toughest public relations jobs in modern political history.” I suppose if the new press secretary avoids Melissa McCarthy’s parodies, that’s a win.
As for Mr. Spicer, what becomes of him?
He would certainly give CNN a ratings spike.
But here’s where things get interesting. Again, my D.C. sources tell me that Spicer is quite the baker, enjoying nothing more than creating cherry crumbles and the like as a means to unwind. I haven’t been able to authenticate the photo above, but there’s talk that he’s headed to Great British Bake Off. What’s more, consider this seemingly innocuous comment from Spicer on Fox News, pointing out that with the appointment of Mr Scaramucci’s there was a risk of “too many cooks in the kitchen.”
In the meantime, reaction to his resignation flooded the air waves. Here are some of the more amusing comments and passages:
− “You’re Not Going to Believe This, But We Somehow Got Sean Spicer’s Resignation Letter” (Mashable, July 21, 2017)
Comment: Apparently, Mashable also has the ability to tap sources in D.C.
− “We’ll Miss You Sean Spicer ” (The New York Times, July 21, 2017)
Comment: And President Trump thought The New York Times lacked empathy for his administration.
− “Should You Feel Sorry For Sean Spicer?” (Politico, July 21, 2017)
Comment: You could also make comparisons to Lord Farquaad who knew how to command a stage.
− “Don’t Cry For Spicer. His Tenure Was a Disaster from Day One and He Should Have Quit Immediately.” (The Washington Post, July 21, 2017)
Comment: That last line is unfair. He delivered a perfect microcosm of the White House to journalists and the outside world.
− “Sean Spicer, White House Press Secretary, Resigns” (Statement from President in CNN, July 21, 2017)
Comment: This stuff writes itself. The White House gig is a reality TV show from the perch of President Trump.
− “Sean Spicer Faced Myriad Obstacles During Dramatic White House Rise and Fall” (The Wall Street Journal, July 21, 2017)
Comment: Now that’s a delicious anecdote. On one hand, you have to respect Sean for his tenacity and problem-solving acuity. On the other hand and the bigger story missed by the WSJ reporter, Sean’s power had diminished to the point that he couldn’t expense a $60 mini fridge from Walmart.
Back to the big picture, I’ll continue to follow the crumbs to see if they lead to Sean appearing on the Great British Bake Off.
Or perhaps I’ll just ask him if he has a killer recipe for a cherry crumble.
Side note: I appreciate the helping hand from our intern Gerard Smith, who handled some of the heavy lifting (research) for this post.
Amy Horton
You were a little too quick with the keyboard trigger yesterday, with the Mooch now out after only 10 days as WH comms director. You apparently just can’t quit Trump, as much as you try!
Lou Hoffman
All I can say is life is better than fiction.